Due to ever-increasing veterinary care, pets are living to an older age, leading to an increase in so-called geriatric patients. At our clinic, we care about all patients and want your pet to have a quality senior years as well. That's why you will find geriatric experts here to provide you with expert support and care.

Care for senior animals
Just as the human body ages, so does the animal body, which brings with it an increased risk of a range of diseases. These include impaired organ function, movement problems and cancer.
In general, the earlier we detect a disease, the better the chances of curing it or at least slowing its progress. Our goal is to prolong and improve the life of the animal patient.
We are here for you
We make it a priority at our clinic to ensure that your pets live out their senior years with quality and dignity. We strive not only to treat their health problems, but also to promote their overall well-being. We care about your animal buddy living a fulfilling old age, so we are here to provide the support and care you need.